JUNE 4-9, 2023
Ghent, Belgium
25th International Conference on
Nonlinear Elasticity in Materials
Some last minute information:
To reach Ghent from Brussels airport it is best to take the train. You can find the schedule and tickets to Ghent (destination station is called ‘Gent-Sint-Pieters’) on the Belgiantrain.be . Once arriving at the train station of “Gent-Sint-Pieters”, get off and take a taxi or a tram in front of the station to your destination in Ghent. Most areas are served by the trams, see visit Ghent for a map.
On Sunday, from 6pm on we will have an informal get-together at the bar or in the garden (good weather is forecasted) of the Hotel Monasterium. All participants that made it to Ghent already on Sunday evening are welcome for a drink.
On Monday, we start at 9:15 with a short welcome and opening of the conference. The next days, we start at 9:30.
If you have special dietary needs for lunches or for the BBQ on Tuesday, please let me know.
On Wednesday afternoon, we will visit the NDT Lab of Mathias Kersemans in Zwijnaarde. We leave after lunch and return to Ghent by 4:30pm. At 5:00pm we make a boat trip through Ghent followed by a historic walk through the city center (end foreseen by 8:00pm).
See below for the final program, final attendee list and complete abstract book.
General information
The 25th anniversary edition of the ICNEM meeting will take place in the beautiful medieval and romantic city of Ghent, Belgium, from June 4-June 9, 2023 at the Monasterium Poortackere (Oude Houtlei 56, Ghent, Belgium), a former 19th century monastery in the centre of Ghent. Ghent can be reached easily by plane and train from Brussels.
We will continue the ICNEM tradition as an informal and limited-size meeting with plenty of interaction. Attendance is limited to 50 persons. Pre-registration is mandatory.
The general topic of ICNEM is the elastic nonlinear behavior of solids and soft matter. The conference focuses on both basic research and applications in this area and represents the state of the art in this domain.
Key Topics
• Elastic nonlinear behavior of Earth materials, industrial materials and granular media in general.
• Advancements in theoretical approaches.
• Modeling and simulation of nonlinear elasticity.
• Characterization of nonlinear material properties.
• Applications of nonlinear elasticity to nondestructive evaluation of materials.
• Elastic nonlinear behavior in medicine.
• Time reverse acoustics as it applies to probing the elastic nonlinear behavior of materials.
• The role of elastic nonlinear behavior in slip/avalanche physics and triggering of slip by nonlinear acoustical waves.Earthquakes and geophysics.
Abstracts (deadline is past)
Send a 1-page abstract (with at least 1 illustration) to Koen and Mathias by March 31, 2023 using this Word template.
Participants and FINAL Program
Participants List
Final Program
Conference Registration and Fees - Due April 30
Complete our mandatory registration form. The €400 fee (€100/accompanying guest) includes our welcome reception, daily access to the conference room, coffee breaks, four lunches and one conference dinner. There will be a lab visit of the NDT facilities at the University Ghent and a social program on Wednesday, June 7. Details will follow. Paying guests are welcome at the reception, the social program and the conference dinner.
Option 1 - Confirmation of transfer and registration but no invoice. - Pay directly online to KU Leuven. Complete the amount and enter your participant name as description. Confirmation of transfer and registration will be sent after reception of payment. You also may pay by money transfer through KU Leuven - KU Leuven Bank Account: BE09 4320 0000 1157. (KU Leuven Bank Account: BE09 4320 0000 1157 / KU Leuven Bank: KBC / BICC: KREDBEBB). Please use the free field message that includes 400/0023/60472 followed by your name, e.g. 400/0023/60472 Koen Van Den Abeele. Do not use the structured field message unless you are paying from an account that is linked to your personal name. This option will not include and invoice, only confirmation of transfer and registration.
Option 2 - Payment with invoice. - To receive an invoice that can be paid by your institution/university/company, complete the Customer Information Sheet (CIS) form with legal/official & account payable information and forward to Koen. Payment instructions will follow. Use this option to pay by credit card.
Conference fees do not include accommodations. Reduced rate reservations at the Monasterium Poortackere can be made using the Hotel Monasterium Reservation Form. Deadline for reduced price is May 15. Afterwards regular prices apply.
There are also many possibilities in the neighborhood.
Certificates of attendance will be available at the meeting.